War did not only have an effect on troops lives, the families went through hard times as well. Most soldiers were away from home for a long time, and they wouldn’t always know what was happening with their family. When Paul was able to go back home, he learned that his mother had gotten sick. While he was fighting, he had no idea about this fact, and his mother could have died while he was away. In many families, all the males in the house would be away at war and weren’t able to support their family. Since the majority of women didn’t have jobs, they would be left with little or no money. For years, parents, spouses, children, siblings, and all other family members were concerned about the soldier’s safety. It could take a long time for the families to know if they were ever coming back. Though the families never knew what it was like to be at war themselves, they would have hardships of their own to faced because of the war.
If a soldier was lucky enough to survive war, they would certainly come out of it with great battle scars. Life would never be the same after losing an arm or leg. If Franz had lived after having his leg amputated, he would have to spend the rest of his days confined to a wheelchair. Since so many people were injured, the hospitals could not hold all of them and there were not enough doctors for each patient. After Franz died, they had to take him away immediately to make room for other wounded people. Injuries are not always physical though, shell shock was a common illness during the war. One of the young