President Andrew Jackson was greatly amiss in his measure to force the Indians out of their homes were their ancestors had lived in long ago. Thus because, he used brutal force and harsh conditions before and during the removal of the Indian tribes. “Men paid to move the Cherokee Nation are cruel”(Cherokee). This segment was published on April 4, 1838 along with other various articles, and explains that the Cherokee new that the government would not treat them with respect nor kindness. While disliked by the vast majority of Indians, most of the everyday people actually admired Jackson because they saw him as somewhat of a hero because he gave the perception that the Indians were uncivilized savages, and by removing them he
would, free up land for the white settlers, stop conflict between the Indians and the white settlers, and give the Indians a better place to live,and in doing that the Indians would hopefully revert from their savage form (in which they were perceived) and become a civilized nation, but sadly, he was wrong. While he did free land up in America he did not give the Indians a better place to live, he actually made their situation worse, because the land he moved them to was dry and was not as fit for agriculture as the land in which they left. In conclusion, President Andrew Jackson's decision to remove the Indians was a dire mistake.