Max Marks - 10
Points to Remember:
(i) Write legibly or type your answers on A-4 size sheets.
(ii) Your answer to a question should consist of not more than 500 words
(iii) Write your Registration No. & Name, Paper No., and Response Sheet No. & Question No. at the top of each sheet.
(iv) Self-addressed and sufficient postal stamped envelop of 8” x 10” size must be sent along with response sheets – for each paper separately.
(v) Answer any two questions.
1. What is a ‘training need’ and how does it get recognized?
2. Discuss the various methods of training needs identification.
Reference to suitable case studies may be made.
3. Discuss the various steps involved in designing training program.
4. Discuss the role of a trainer in the conduct of a training program and the logic by which he should select training aids.
Question 1: What is a ‘training need’ and how does it get recognized?
Answer 1:
What is a Training Need?
A training need is nothing but a gap between desired level of knowledge/ skill or attitude and its existing level, where an individual, department or the whole organisation is either falling short of expected performance or the organization is planning a change. There are a number of reasons for perceiving such a gap.
Reasons for a Training Need.
Change – The Mother of Training Need. The only permanent entity in today’s world is change. And it is happening at ever increasing speed. Inability to change is sure to lead to extinction of any organisation. The training need comes in to play either because a change has either already happened or it is likely to happen or it is intended to be caused. Change in any form and for any reason is bound to generate training needs.
Types of Possible Change. The change could be either technological, environmental, legislative or manpower composition.
Technological. In order to