I, V.K. Susil Kumar, do certify that • The manuscript represents original and valid work and that neither this manuscript nor one with similar content under my authorship has been published or is being considered for publication in any other journal. • If requested by the Editor, will provide the necessary information regarding the data the paper / manuscript was based on.
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Dated: 10th May 2012
1. Synopsis 2. Introduction 3. Company Profile 4. Methodology 5. Statistical Data 6. Findings 7. Conclusion 8. Recommendation
The world seems to be changing faster and faster—from the technologies available to us, to the increasingly global scope of our interactions. Moreover, the problems facing us as a global community seem to be growing ever more complex and serious. How do we navigate such change and address these problems—not only in our work lives but also in our families, communities, and schools?
We believe that organizations—groups of people who come together to accomplish a purpose—hold an important key to these questions. The field of organizational learning explores ways to design organizations so that they fulfil their function effectively, encourage people to reach their full potential, and, at the same
References: 1. Kothari C.R. 2009,REASEARCH METHODOLOGY , Second Revised edition, New Delhi , New Age International Publishers Pvt. Ltd.