Suruchi, Research Scholar
Dr. Seema Dhawan Research Supervisor Singhania University
Introduction- Railway zons of india The Indian Railways has a glorious past and has achieved a phenomenal growth in both freight and passenger traffic by improving asset utilization and efficiency of operations. The time has come when massive investments are required for expanding the rail infrastructure and give the Railways its due share in the country 's infrastructure development. The debate on the transport sector in India has not focused adequately on the rail sector despite its many economic and environmental advantages. It is high time that Railways ' role as a major infrastructure service provider is reinforced. Constructive support from the Government and the pro-active and market-oriented response to the challenges of an open economy will set the tone for the renaissance of the Indian Railways as we march towards the new millennium. I see it as a huge opportunity for me to do my research work on Indian Railways. Indian Railways, a departmental enterprise wholly owned by the Government of India, is one of the largest systems in the world. It is the largest single organization in India with a capital investment of about Rs. 479 billion. For the past 150 years, railways have played an important role in the social political and economic life of India. For most of the time railways have offered unique advantages for transporting freight and passengers over long distances. In the past two decades Indian Railway’s share of the transport market has fallen due to increasing competition from road transport. It suggests that the existing railway models need to be amended to restore its financial position and enable the railways to achieve their
References: Bennet, C. L. 1973. Defining the Managers Job. The AMA Manual of Position Descriptions. American Management Association: New York. Kotler: Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India ltd. New Delhi, 2003 Kothari c.r Luck David J. Rubin Ronald S, Marketing Research, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2002 Moon S Sen,A. (1983) Attention & Distraction, Delhi: Sterling Publishers. Schestakofosky, S. Van Gleder, M.M. & Kiernan, W.E. (1986) Evaluation, Training, & Placement in natural work environments. Szymanski, E.M