We are all on a journey of sorts; it may be a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual journey that causes us to change from who we were last week or last year into who we are today. This idea of individuals moving through life as if on a journey is an archetype. Archetypes can be images, character types, symbols, or themes that occur repeatedly throughout myth, literature, folklore, dreams, and life.
PRIOR to completing this packet, please make sure you have read the required novel. Novel choices include:
1. Of Mice and Men:
2. Hiroshima: (If you did NOT read for first semester.)
3. Ethan Fromme**Honors—however, any student may read
4. Anthem: **Honors- however, any student may read (If you did NOT read first semester.)
5. You may also choose a novel from the list provided in the course.
Links to novels:
Of Mice and Men: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9fq9MTk85QxSFVWYzZhUjBSbGFFZlR3bGRlODNZUQ/edit?pli=1
Hiroshima: http://www.archive.org/stream/hiroshima035082mbp#page/n13/mode/2up
Ethan Fromme: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/4517
Anthem: http://manybooks.net/titles/randaynetext98anthm10.html
Once you have read your novel, please complete ALL contents of this packet. Submit the packet into Transformation Lesson 5. Call your instructor to complete Lessons 1, 3 as a DBA. You will complete the Transformation Unit 6 Exam as usual. It is strongly recommended that you read through the lessons in the unit before completing this packet.
Lesson 1: Complete as a DBA with your teacher AFTER submitting the packet.
Lesson 2: Submit and type: I completed the Transformation Packet in the student comment box.
Lesson 3: Complete as a DBA with your teacher AFTER submitting the packet.
Lesson 4: Submit and type: I completed the Transformation Packet in the student comment box.
Lesson 5: Attach the completed Transformation Packet
Lesson 6: Complete the Unit Exam