First and foremost, college includes more free time throughout the day than in high school. While in high school, classes start and end at the same time every day. On the other hand, college courses take place at specific times during the week, for a specific pattern of days during the week. For example, a class may meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from eleven o'clock until twelve o'clock. Each course has a specific schedule, therefore creating free time between classes. These times do not necessarily proceed in a back-to-back order, as they do in high school. This change of schedule engenders a routine adjustment from having only one span of free time after school to many breaks between college courses. …show more content…
A student must be responsible to manage their free time, keep up a social life, and complete all of their assignments. In high school, teachers constantly remind students of upcoming due dates, how much these assignments will affect their grade, and even help them with an assignment they may be struggling to complete. There is a drastic shift in responsibility onto the student as they enter college. College students must keep up with upcoming assignments and due dates themselves, as well as solve their own struggles that they may face with an assignment. Although the change in responsibility shifting solely onto the student may seem harsh, the student ultimately learns to face their struggles and solve problems