BY: Anabella R. Lao
SPED Coordinator/teacher- SCNHS
WHAT IS TRANSITION? TRANSITION is defined as the movement from one set of circumstances to another resulting in change to environments, relationships, behaviors, routines, roles and expectations. It is a process of change that for some may require substantial preparation, planning, adjustment and support. TRANSITION is where one passes from stage or place to another. It includes preparing, moving and settling into the next stage or place. Transition occurs from pre -school into adult life.
WHAT IS TRANSITION PLAN? A TRANSITION PLAN is the section of the Individualized Education Plan ( IEP) …show more content…
that outlines transition goals and services for the student. * The Transition plan is based on high school student’s individual needs, strengths, skills and interests. * A transition plan is a planning tool and a supportive framework that helps young people and their parents plan for their life after school in a coherent and coordinated way, written and formal.
What is Transition planning? * A process that helps young people plan, prepare and work towards achieving their future directions and goals. * A process that promotes a smooth transition to adult life, empowering, maximizes choices, informs decision making, provides direction and purpose.
Policies and Guidelines for Special Education at the Secondary Level ( DepEd) * Article IV- School Administration and Organization of Classes
3.2.3 Educational program for the mentally challenged shall include: Transition Program- This is a preparatory placement program in a parallel academic class, thereafter the learner with cognitive deficiency may be integrated in the regular class * Vocational Program/ Adult Outcomes Program- This is an alternative program for learners who may not be eligible for s3condary regular academic programs. Levels are defined in terms of expected outcomes.
When should Transition Planning begin? * IDEA 04 has established one clear starting age requirement for the start of transition planning. IEP Teams must now include transition planning in the IEP that will be n effect when the child turns 16 years of age.
PURPOSE OF TRANSITION PLANNING * The purpose of transition planning for youth with special need is to identify opportunities and experience during school years that will help them better prepare for life as an …show more content…
adult. * Transition planning can assist the youth in securing employment, pursuing post-secondary education and experiencing a meaningful community life.
Why is transition planning important? * Transition services can be tailored to a student’s goal and strengths and provide him with options and plans for his future and hope for the future. * Special education staff provides assistance with counseling, identifying vocational interests and skills, academic support and linkages to specific programs and services.
PARTICIPANTS IN DEVELOPING THE TRANSITION PLAN * Student * Parents * The student’s special education teacher * The student’s regular education teacher * A local educational agency representative * Other agency personnel who have knowledge requires to best serve the student’s needs
• Attend IEP/transition planning meetings.
• Lead the transition planning meetings, with support as required.
• Share his or her personal preferences, interests, skills, goals, and needs with the team (with support, as needed).
• Ask questions and provide information to the team on various issues that he or she wants to address, such as wellness, medical, social, sexual, financial or guardianship issues (with support, as needed).
• Assume responsibility for working towards his or her goals and completing the tasks listed in the Transition Plan.
• Attend IEP/transition planning meetings.
• Prepare their son/daughter for participation in the process.
• Lead transition planning meetings where possible and desired.
• Provide valuable insight into the background and values of their family.
• Share their son/daughter’s and their own preferences, interests, skills, goals, and needs.
• Focus the team’s planning on the youth’s and family’s needs and goals.
• Provide their son/daughter with opportunities to learn and practice the foundation skills, such as problem-solving skills, assertiveness, self- advocacy, and stress management skills, that support active participation in the transition planning process.
• Provide information on the programs and support services that are accessed by and available to their son/daughter
• Coordinate and schedule meetings.
• Manage the paper work and maintain a transition file that contains assessments, the IEP/Transition Plan and related materials.
• Keep the planning session focused.
• Resolve conflicts.
• Monitor the progress of the IEP/Transition Plan.
• Obtain commitment for follow-up action and ensure that all participants are clear on the specific tasks/actions they are to undertake.
• Coordinate the writing and implementation of the IEP/Transition Plan.
• Attend IEP/transition planning meetings.
• Listen to the youth's vision and identify his or her needs.
• Ensure that referrals are made to the appropriate community service agencies.
• Ensure that the youth’s and family’s needs and goals are articulated, understood and used to drive transition planning.
• Attend IEP/transition planning meetings.
• Consult with the planning team on education opportunities, graduation requirements and assessments, and on the youth’s progress and support needs.
• Help identify and analyze post-secondary education opportunities.
• Provide instruction to the young person on the knowledge and skills required to support a successful transition to adulthood.
• Support an inclusive environment for the youth with special needs.
• Attend IEP/transition planning meetings for students who require vocational training or placement.
• Help identify and analyze relevant pre-employment and vocational training programs
• Attend and contribute to IEP/transition planning meetings.
• Provide support services in community settings.
• Provide the youth with cultural support and connection where possible.
• Attend IEP/planning meetings as appropriate.
• Share information on the youth’s and family’s preferences, interests, goals and needs.
• Assist and support the youth and his or her family as they discuss their needs and goals.
• Focus the team’s planning on the youth’s and family’s needs and goals.
• Provide informal home and community experiences and supports, if possible.
QUESTIONS TO BE CONSIDERED IN MAKING TRANSITION PLAN * What are his dreams? His vision for life as a young adult? ( student) * What are her strengths? How will she use them to build success during high school? * Will she work toward a vocational completion certificates? * Does she have a career interest now? If not when and how can the team help her discover her interests and preferences? * Does this team believe that he will remain in public school through the maximum age of eligibility? If so, what age-appropriate experiences may be available after 18? * What skill needs to be developed or improved to help her make progress toward her goals? * Are there any at –risk behaviors that might interfere with his success during high school? * In what school and community activities will she participate? * What transition services does she need for success in high school?
EXAMPLES OF TRANSITION ACTIVITIES * Assessing student needs, interests, or preferences for future education, employment, and adult living and setting future goals in these areas * Identifying, exploring, and trying out transition placements that match the student’s assessment and vision and providing community experiences related to future goals * Instructing the student in the academic, vocational, and adult living skills needed to achieve transition goals, including self-determination * Identifying and providing the accommodations supports, or related services the student needs
* Coordinating with adult services organizations and helping families identify resources and natural supports * Providing or planning follow-up or follow-along support once the student develops independence in a transition activity or graduates
TRANSITION PLANNING ACTIVITIES AT HOME AND IN THE COMMUNITY * AT HOME: * Give teen chores and responsibilities will encourage his independence and responsibility; example * opening own checking account * Learn how to drive * IN THE COMMUNITY: * Taking our teenager to work * Networking * Researching and visiting local colleges and training schools your teenager is interested
FINAL DOCUMENTATION: SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE * Must include information on the student’s academic achievement and functional performance; * Recommendation to help the student meet his postsecondary goals * Let the parents have the copy of the Summary of Performance
What to consider during Planning * All future life environments and roles * Environments such as work, education and training, leisure and reaction, living arrangement, community * Roles such as worker, parent, friend, community participant, flat mate * Life- dimension- such as social, physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual * Needed skill, knowledge, understanding, information and connection such as positive social skills, self-determination skills, transport and mobility. Independent living skills, leisure and recreational activities, education and training courses and programs.
(The student) has reached age 14, and (his or her) a. Vision/Goals for life after high school include_____________________________________________________
________________ b. Profile_____________________________________________________
__________________ c. Strengths( Skills and abilities)____________________________________________________ d. Team members_____________________________________________________
(The student) has reached age 16, and:
a. The following activities are needed to promote transition to post- high school life * Instruction_________________________________________________
____________________ * Related services____________________________________________________
_____________ * Community experiences_________________________________________________
__________ * Development of employment and other adult living objectives____________________________ * Acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation_________________________________ ____________________________________
b. (The student) does not need one or more of the activities listed above because_____________________________________________________
(The student) will reach the age of majority under state law on (date). (He or she) has received notice (at least a year in advance) of all rights under the IDEA that will transfer to (him or her) at that time.
Student’s Signature
Transition Services/Coordinated Set of Activities Examples
* Instruction: * Tour post-secondary occupational training programs * Contact local college for disability documentation policy * Complete & submit application to p/s institution * Tour Career Planning Center & inquire in to training programs available through them * Visit college campuses & meet with disability coordinators * Explore admission requirements for vocational/technical school * Explore admission requirements for state colleges * Write an info interview letter to the disabilities coordinator at a p/s
School of interest * Research college scholarship opportunities * Obtain, complete and submit applications to colleges of interest * Obtain, complete and submit applications for tuition assistance * Complete learning styles inventory to identify preferences& strengths * Complete an assistive technology evaluation * Meet with military branch officers * Meet regularly with HS guidance counselor re. necessary paperwork for college admissions * Complete a study skills training class * Attend Catch the Wave workshop (annually in April) * Enroll in vocational education classes/multi-district classes * Check with college/tech school about “auditing” classes * Sign up for/take ACT-SAT test * Request accommodations for ACT-SAT test if necessary * Apply for financial aid for college (seniors) * Review & update transition assessments
Related Services: * Identify and visit community mental health agencies * Visit potential post school providers of physical therapy * Learn to use a guide dog effectively * Identify potential post school providers of recreation therapy or occupational therapy and potential funding sources * Receive orientation and mobility training in place of employment * Explore city/county transportation options * Learn about potential post school providers of speech therapy * Identify possible sources of support for coping with difficult life situations * Obtain new equipment (i.e., wheelchair, seating, braces, Assistive Technology, etc.) * Apply for a mentor through a local, non-profit agency for counseling of substance abuse and delinquency * Take classes through the local 4-H organization * Enroll in community or recreational programs of interest * Learn about Americans with Disabilities Act * Learn about students‟ rights under IDEA * Enroll in self-advocacy/self-awareness studyv Participate in church youth groups * Visit potential places in the community to shop for food, clothes, etc * Tour the city library * Join a community recreation center or YMCA * Obtain a state id card or driver’s license * Participate in age appropriate social activities (dances, dating, concerts, sporting events, etc) * Register to vote * Register with the selection service * Observe a courtroom or jury duty process * Take Drivers Ed class/get Drivers Ed training/one-one if needed * Sign up to help with summer recreation programs, Park & Rec, etc. * Join local service clubs (Lions, Sertoma, Kiwanis, etc)
* Interview a job coach for possible assistance following high school * Participate in a career awareness program or class * Interview an adult worker in career field of interest * Job shadow an adult worker in career field of interest * Participate in Project Skills, if VR eligible * Obtain a paid p/t job * Take the ASVAB * Tour SD Career Center (formerly Job Services) * Practice completing job applications & interviewing skills * Volunteer in career of interest * Memorize your Social Security number * Draft resume, cover letters and thank you notes for after interviews * Meet with Job Corps counselor * Perform duties/school staff (secretary, janitor, cook, teacher, etc) * Research 3 different careers/write paper * Take career interest inventories/surveys to help pinpoint interest area * Attend Career Days with HS class Acquisition of Daily Living Skills: * Explore city/county transportation options * Enroll in self-advocacy/self-awareness study or class * Enroll in any „consumer science‟ class at HS (foods, parenting, single survival, money/time
Management, etc) * Learn about time management * Take a CPR/First Aid course * Develop monthly living budget * Apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) * Open a bank account
* Memorize phone number and complete mailing address * Access postal services * Explore insurance issues/needs * Explore guardianship issues * Register with the Division of Developmental Disabilities * Schedule and keep appointments * Obtain addresses & phone numbers in the telephone directory * Use telephone independently Learn to operate a washer, dryer, dishwasher, microwave * Learn to tell time * Manage daily time schedule * Take medications independently (or learn how to) * Develop a network of informal supports (friends, neighbors, etc.) * Inquire in to rates of utilities (gas, water, electric, phone, cable, etc) * Develop a personal fitness routine * Obtain a bank ATM card * Attend to daily grooming/hygiene skills independently * Meet with potential landlord to learn about expectations of a renter * Purchase food and prepare meals * Purchase clothing and learn how to care for clothes * Apply for Youth Leadership Forum (annually in June) * Apply for Job Corps training program * Visit local Independent Living Center to inquire about services * Have independent living assessment
done * Develop emergency procedures for use at home * Select a primary care physician and dentist. * Keep and use a calendar, address book, telephone numbers * Plan recreational outings (alone and/or with friends) weekly * Inquire into/decide what religious denomination to join
Other Post-School Adult Living Objectives: * Visit community mental health agencies * Identify potential p/s providers of related services and their funding sources * Check availability of mentor program in community * Learn about community agencies that provide services and support to people with disabilities * Tour area adjustment training center * Complete application for ATC * Contact Independent Living Center for possible services Inquire in to housing assistance program (HUD * Contact Services to the Blind & Visually Impaired * Inquire in to programs available through Department of Social * Services (food stamps, medical insurance, etc) * Inquire in to Division of Rehabilitation eligibility * Maintain regular contact with VR counselor * Complete application for Vocational Rehabilitation Services if * eligible
* Functional Vocational Evaluation: * Participate in a situational vocational assessment * Provide opportunities for job sampling in the community * Collect info re. the student’s vocational interests and abilities * Conduct formal aptitude tests such as VALPAR and WRIOT * Review previously administered career interest * Meet with HS guidance counselor to affirm vocational interests and align graduation plan to need * Complete CHOICES or Bridges computer program to determine vocational interests