Cognitive function is impacted in children who have experienced traumatic events. Traumatic events or stress may occur when children are unexpected faced with a “danger”. The trauma may be within the family, or outside of the family. However, traumatic situations tend to catch children off-guard and occur unexpectedly (Practice Notes, 2012).
Traumatic events often have a long-term effect on individuals. Long after the traumatic event has occurred, thoughts, emotions and behavior may still be influenced by the event (Practice Notes, 2012). Normal neurological development can be effected by traumatic events in a young children. When a child experiences trauma, the …show more content…
Some of the determining factors in leading to developmental delays when a child is exposed to trauma are disrupted attachment, impaired social and emotional development, aggressive behavior and increase in health risks. When a child experiences trauma, it’s not uncommon to see other issues and at-risk behaviors exhibited.
Spiritual development can play a significant role in countering the effects of trauma. Spiritual development and religious practices often have a positive impact for those experiencing traumatic situations. Positive spiritual experiences are often seen as a way of coping, giving meaning to the situation, gaining a new appreciation of life, feeling a closeness to God and other positive outcomes. Research shows positive spiritual practices are beneficial to recovery from traumatic events.
However, there are occasions when the spiritual experiences are negative and leave a person feeling depressed or hopeless. Traumatic events with negative spiritual experiences leave a person questioning their core beliefs and