The author of this review, Philip Stieg, is a neurosurgeon-in-chief of New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center. He has expertise in skull-base surgery and is a known published author as well as an international lecturer. He sees first hand the violence that takes place during the NFL games because he is a neuro-trauma consultant that stands on the sidelines of games. This article discovers the story of concussion incidents in the NFL over the past four decades. It gives an in depth background of the case of Mike Webster, former center for the Steelers. His death in 2002 was found to be linked to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), making him the first professional football player with a case of this kind. Stieg then goes on to…
Concussions while playing football has been under the microscope for a while now, the players that are wanting compensation for these concussion incidents are saying the concussions have caused neurological impairments and multiple other fatal diagnoses such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS and even death. One of the lead plaintiffs in this class action against the NFL was Kevin Turner, who died at the age of forty-six. Turner was diagnosed with ALS six years before he died, it turned out that the diagnoses was wrong. Researchers at Boston University have found that Turner spent the last few years of his life with a severe case of football related chronic traumatic encephalopathy also known as CTE. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy causes a motor neuron disease that’s comparable to ALS.…
Ingrid was a social worker, wife, and mother who live in a two story colonial home with her husband and two daughters, aged 8 and 15 years old. She was active in the school of her children, serving on committees and volunteering to read in the classroom. In addition, she attended to church habitually, even though her husband did not accompany her. Her interests included swimming, snorkeling, and hiking, based on previous family vacations. Not only was she close to her immediate family, but also with her college friends living throughout…
Some evidence that football causes CTE is Mike Webster’s medical experience. Mike Webster’s death started a chain of events that threatened to forever change the way American’s see football. Doctor Omalu, who studied his brain after his death, right away could see the effects of seventeen years of the football…
Bennet Omalu discovered Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) in a former NFL player, Mike Webster. CTE is a progressive brain degenerative disease that is caused by repetitive brain trauma. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy can affect who has had multiple brain injuries and may be any age. CTE can only be diagnosed through an autopsy but, tests can be done to determine if a person might have it. Some of the symptoms of CTE include cognitive impairment, impulsive behaviors, apathy, short-term memory loss, difficulty planning and carrying out tasks, emotional instability, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts or behavior. (Mayo Clinic) Because Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is only diagnosable through autopsy all of the symptoms are unclear. (Mayo Clinic) Other possible symptoms may include irritability, aggression, speech and language difficulties, dysphagia, motor impairment, vision and focusing problems, olfactory abnormalities, and dementia. These symptoms happen not only because the brain is literally deteriorating but because people with CTE have an abnormal buildup of a protein in their brain called nau. (Boston University) Right now there is not a true treatment or cure for chronic traumatic encephalopathy but doctors suggest that cutting back on physical activities might help reduce symptoms. Prevention for CTE is basically to take concussions very seriously and always take precautions in contact sports. (Mayo…
Despite innumerable measures from the NFL to increase safety guidelines for the game, concussions remain the most prevalent and, often times, the most fatal injury of NFL players. Take, for instance, Mike “Iron Mike” Webster, who plays center for the Pittsburgh Steelers and Kansas City Chiefs, who died of a heart attack at the age of fifty. After numerous post-mortem autopsies, doctors concluded that Webster had suffered from chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a neurodegenerative disease. His doctors estimated the damage to his brain was equivalent to 25,000 automobile crashes. According to neuropsychologist at Boston University Robert Stern, “In football, one has to expect that almost every play of every game and every practice, they’re going to be hitting their heads against each other. That’s the nature of the game.” Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is the most common disease found in NFL players. In fact, a study by the Boston University School of Medicine shows that, out of every thirty-four deceased NFL players, thirty-three were victims of CTE. However, this…
According to Ken Belson of The New York Times (2014) one in three NFL players is affected by brain trauma. The New York Times has also stated that NFL players are eight times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s or dementia than the general population. The NFL has come across a rise in concussions over the past decade. Over the past three seasons there have been over 690 recorded concussions throughout the league. Not only are current players being affected, but so are retired players. 87 of 91 deceased NFL players were found to have Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, or CTE, after years of concussions and hits to the head during their NFL careers. CTE is a brain disease with symptoms of memory loss, aggression, confusion,…
Kristin Rupich is an acute care nurse practitioner in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In this article, Rupich examined six research studies investigating the use of hypothermia in patients with a traumatic brain injury. The effects associated hypothermia as on patients with a secondary brain injury. This article also discusses the complications that arose throughout the process, as well as the outcomes of the research studies and the patients in the hypothermia and normthermia groups.…
Webster had displayed patterns of distressed behavior before dying of a heart attack at the age of 50. Omalu was interested at what the former football players brain would show. So after examining it carefully Omalu discovered clumps of a protein in the brain called Tau. Which can impair function in the brain when it accumulates. (similar to dementia pugilistica) a disease documented years earlier in boxers. Omalu named the condition Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) and submitted a paper to the medical journal Neurosurgery called “Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy in a National Football League Player”. Bennet Omalu was the first person to document and publish findings of CTE. Omalu’s discovery has changed things for the better and worse depending on who you ask. The NFL was not so excited when Bennet first published his findings on CTE and asked him to “retract” what he said. Now in present time there is more research being made ,and on the NFL’s part they are trying to make football equipment more safe. In conclusion Dr. Bennet Omalu hopes to find out more of this condition that is being found in more and more people that play high contact…
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, also known as CTE is a progressive degenerative brain disease. It is a lot like alzheimer's and dementia in the sense that both Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and alzheimer's/dementia have similar symptoms. Some symptoms of CTE Include memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, impulse control problems, aggression, depression, anxiety, suicidality, parkinsonism, and eventually, progressive dementia. As you can see in the thermal scan above the brain is progressively getting worse. According to Alzheimer's Association, these symptoms often begin years or even decades after the last brain trauma blow to the brain or the end of active athletic involvement. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy can be caused by not just…
Highschool sports, specifically football, are dangerous, and more so than they appear. In fact, Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is commonly thought to be caused by concussions and prevalent only in professional football, but recent studies show that even minor impacts, like those in high school football, are harmfull to the human brain.…
First described in the year 1928 (McKee 2010), Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that has been found to be the cause of retired NFL linebacker Junior Seau’s suicide. The disease deteriorated his brain and hindered his ability to think logically. Seau is not the only retired NFL player found to have had CTE through autopsy following their death. Mike Webster was the first football player found to have CTE, when scientists found the characteristic buildup of the tau protein in his brain. Another significant…
Researchers at the VA Boston Healthcare System found that 87 out of 91 deceased former NFL football players showed signs of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE).…
Many players have complained that they were forced to play, although their coaches were aware that they have received a concussion. This in return has been believed to the suing of the National Football League. In 2002, “Dr. Bennet Omalu, a forensic pathologist and co-founder of the Brain Injury Research Institute, identifies chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) in the brain of former Pittsburgh Steelers' center Mike Webster, 50, who committed suicide. Omalu is the first to identify CTE in American Football Players.” The American Academy of Neurology showed that 61% of NFL players have sustained concussions and 96% of ex-NFL players have had brain disease.…
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide, with approximately 2 million reported TBI events in the US annually. The pathogenesis of TBI involves two components: the initial mechanical injury and subsequent secondary cell death that expands the core lesion. Animal model studies and clinical data both indicate that an initial brain pathology appears to be the dysfunction or disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Rupture of the BBB leads to the release of intracellular proteins either intact or cleaved fragments from protease activation into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or blood stream. Currently identified released proteins and proteolytic fragments observed in both human and TBI animal biofluids…