Leisure Lane Tours is a sole propritorship business and a specialized travel agency that provides tour packages depend on the needs and request of the client. It will be located at V.A. Rufino St., corner Herrera St., Makati City. The office will operate every Mondays to Saturdays from 8:00am until 6:00pm, and conduct tours from Mondays to Sundays, 24 hours.
The philippines has the largest volume in tourist in Southeast Asia. Tourism industry is recognized by the government as one of the important contributor in foreign exchange and investments for the growth of the country. This growth of the tourism industry gives oppotunity to my business to be successful in tourism industry. Because of the high demands and growth in the number of tourist in our country it will also raise the number of sales of travel and tour company or business.
Our marketing strategy will be based on ensuring that the customers will know about our existence and the services we offer. We intend to make the right information available to the right target customers. This will be done through personal selling and advertising, like giving liplets, posting banners and posters, and newspaper publications to ensure that we will be known in tourism industry. We will ensure that our prices consider the budget of the customers, that these customers will afford our services.
It is important that we do not intend just to give customers on sightseeing excursions, but also to ensures thatn they appreciate nature through informative briefings or discussions during or before the tour. We also intend to develop the skills of our emplyees to grow so that the business will grow too.
We expected to get our target sales and increase from more than ₱ 170,000 on the first quarter to more than ₱ 190,000 on the second quarter, and ₱ 260,000 on the 3rd quarter.
Market Analysis Section
Industry Overview
The Philippines generates the sixth-largest tourist volume in Southeast Asia. The tourism