As I think about the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old young African-American male, who lived in the state of Florida. I reflect on the fact that I am a mother of a young African-American male, with this in mind this tragedy affects me indirectly. Trayvon Martin walking alone the streets of Florida, dressed with a Hood on, with a bag of skittles and drinking on a ice tea, might have been thinking how wonderful it is to be alive, or what a beautiful day it is. Who knows what was going on in his mind. Did he ever think this would be his last day on earth? I doubt it. It's disturbing to know that Mr. Martin lost his life due to the perception of his shooter, with no questions asked, but these questions come to my mind. What are the perceptions of African-American males in America and our local communities? How can we change the negative perceptions into a positive perception?
One thing I found to be a fact …show more content…
Once they understand the Creator God, and the image he has already set in place. The young black male must begin to mirror this image on the outside, in their conversations, in the way they dress, how they raise their kids, on their jobs, and in their relationships. There is a quote in the Holy Bible that states, “So God created man in his own image, the image of God created he him male and female created he them.”(p.1). When our young men begin to think this way about themselves they will have respect for themselves and gain the respect of others. Young black men we need you! We need you in our homes and in our churches! So rise and shine, change your posture and your