The signatories to the Treaty aimed (according to the preamble : * To ensure the economic and social progress of their countries by common action to eliminate the barriers that divide Europe. * to concentrate their efforts on the constant improvements of the living and working conditions of their peoples. * to achieve concerted action in order to guarantee steady expansion, balanced trade and fair competition.
Furthermore, they : * were anxious to strengthen the unity of their economies and to ensure their harmonious development by reducing the differences existing between the various regions and the backwardness of the less-favoured regions. * wanted to contribute, by means of a common commercial policy, to the progressive abolition of restrictions on international trade. * aimed to confirm the solidarity which binds Europe and the overseas countries and desiring to ensure the development of their prosperity, in accordance with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. They resolved by thus pooling their resources to preserve and strengthen peace and liberty, and called upon the other peoples of Europe who shared the same ideal to join in their efforts.
The EU’s aims and values
The Lisbon Treaty clearly sets out the European Union’s aims and values of peace, democracy, respect for human rights, justice, equality, rule of law and sustainability.
The Treaty pledges that the European Union will: * Offer people an area of freedom, security and justice without internal frontiers.
* Work for the sustainable development of Europe based on balanced economic growth and price stability, a highly competitive social market economy, aiming at full employment and social progress, with a high level of protection of the environment.
* Combat social exclusion and discrimination and promote social justice and protection.
* Promote economic, social and territorial cohesion, and