By Eric Christianson
Fitness is the quality or state of being fit. (Merriam-Webster, 2011) On September 26th, 2011 I took a physical fitness test. The fitness test measured four areas of my wellbeing, cardiovascular fitness, strength, flexibility, and body composition. After taking the test I was really interested in how I scored related to the standard set by other Men of my age.
Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the heart, lungs and circulatory system to supply oxygen and nutrients to working muscles efficiently. Having good cardio fitness allows you to enjoy life to the fullest. Cardio fitness reduces your risk of heart disease, lowers blood pressure, reduces cholesterol and helps you look and feel better. On the fitness test I scored a Maximum oxygen consumption of 58. This score placed me in …show more content…
A three site skin fold test was used to determine my body composition for the test. The measurements were chest 3.5mm, abdomen 12mm, and thigh 11mm. My body weight at the time of the test was 189 pounds. This combined with the skin fold measurements resulted in giving me a body fat percentage of 6.5. The level of body fat I am at is low for men ages 14-19; it is also the optimal body weight for athletes. I plan on keeping my body fat percentage low by keeping up with my exercise routine and incorporating more cardio.
The fitness test measured four areas of my wellbeing, cardiovascular fitness, strength, flexibility, and body composition. In the cardiovascular portion I scored very well. For strength I scored well, while in flexibility I scored fair. My body composition was 6.5%. Overall, according to the fitness test, I am in excellent physical condition. I plan on continuing to work out, while improving on areas of flexibility and cardiovascular fitness. If I improve on those two areas while maintaining my strength and body composition, I shall live a long healthy