Trick 'R Treat, in theaters December 9, 2007 produced by Warner Bros, intertwines five horror stories to illustrate the origins of Halloween. The director, Michael Doughetry, (commonly known for X-Men: Apocalypse) creates a character named Sam (Quinn Lord), a child-like character, the spirit of Halloween roaming the night with a haunting innocence of a child desperate to protect Halloween tradition through whatever means necessary. Laurie (Anna Paquin) is a young girl dressed in a typical, scanty Little Red …show more content…
As one critic points out, "Trick 'R Treat is also interested in the ancient origins of Halloween; unlike other major holidays this one wasn't invented by greeting card companies, and the film again and again reminds us that the traditions of the night have Pagan origins going back thousands of years" ( The opening scene of Trick 'R Treat explains three rules of Halloween that should be followed: handout candy to trick-or-treaters, wear a costume and do not blow out the jack-o-lantern until it is past midnight. The movie follows different characters through predicaments where the rules are not followed—therefore, Sam pays them a visit. Doughetry combined stories that he previously had written as comic strips and made them into stories for the movie, Sam being one of those