1. What purposes are served by the male characters recounting previous day’s event?
The purpose served by the male characters recounting the previous day’s event was to revisit where the murder was committed in order to find any evidence as to who might have committed the murder of Mr. Wright.
2. When, precisely, do you think the forward action of the play actually begins? Explain The forward action of the play Trifles begins when the men go upstairs to investigate the room and the woman are left downstairs alone, because as they begin to share experiences compared to those of Mrs. Wright they begin to form a bond. When the women find an empty bird cage and eventually a dead canary the without any expression decide to hide the murder.
3. When does the reader first become aware of the tension between the male and female characters on stage? Explain
The reader most significant clues to the murder are the bird cage, the bird, and the rope. The professional law enforcement officers did not find the evidence even though they prided themselves in their power of detection and logical reasoning because to them what the women were concern with wee just trifles which just happened to be the key evidence the men were looking for.
4. Why are differences between women important to the plot to the play?
Differences between women important to the play, because from the beginning of the play the men were there simple for legal purpose and the women were there in a way to connect with Mrs. Wright’s home and connect with Mrs. Wright as a person, by who she was known as and who they knew her to be
5. What are the 3 most significant clues to murder? Why don’t the professional law enforcement officers find them?
The three most significant clues to the murder are the birds cage the bird and the rope. The professional law enforcement officers did not find the evidence even though they prided themselves in their power