
Trophy Hunting Persuasive Essay

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Trophy Hunting Persuasive Essay
More often than not when people think of hunting, they see gruesome images of unfortunate animals suffering from an unfair death; but, what if those images weren’t as accurate as originally thought? Ever since the inhumane death of Cecil the Lion, the media has been all over the topic of the sport called hunting. Cecil was first shot with an arrow by American dentist Walter James Palmer, was then stalked for about 40 hours after he survived the wound, and finally received a fatal shot from a gun. Illegal hunts similar to this happen all too often; however, trophy hunting may actually be helping these situations by providing funds for conservatiencys and giving the animals a humane death.
Despite all the bad rep trophy hunting gets, there is
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One of the biggest issues in the animal kingdom is the illegal side of the hunt. Many animals are being hunted for something they may possess. For example, a hippo may be hunted for their meat and ivory, and a shark is often hunted for their fins, which in some countries are thought to have healing powers of some sort, (Corrine Henn). While it’s true that some animals are being hunted solely for food, which is something humans have done for millions of years, it’s also unfortunately true that many animals are hunted for other reasons, and are often left to rot once the hunters have obtained what they desire. This is referred to as poaching, and in many countries, it’s illegal. In some sense, trophy hunting is different from poaching due to the level of morality. Poachers are simply looking for money, and these animals are major sources of highly valuable materials. More often than not, poachers don’t do anything with the parts of the animal that won’t provide a fortune. Trophy hunters with permits are known to give the animals they have hunted to local villages. This gives the animals a purpose that doesn’t involve jewelry, clothing, or the black market. The locals in the villages will often use every part of the animal for a survival purpose. They will use skin for clothing and shelter, bones for tools, and they will use the meat to feed their people, meaning the trophy hunter just allows them to skip a step of the

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