The reality series follows the life of various law enforcement officers as they conduct their duties. The show is positive concerning criminal justice professionals. This is because it depicts law enforcement officers as the heroes who fight crime. The stage of the criminal justice system depicted is arrest. The program features officers apprehending suspected offenders. The focus is on the arrest stage since it often involves a lot of action and use of force. This is appealing to viewers. The images are a fair representation of the criminal justice system. Law enforcement officers conduct arrests on occasional basis as presented in the TV series. The TV series is not realistic with the current-day criminal justice activities. This is because it depicts law enforcement officers as inherently powerful and easily able to subdue offenders while making arrests. In reality, law enforcement officers face difficulties arresting …show more content…
The series shows negative images concerning criminal justice professionals. The series depicts prisons as a place where corruption is rampant. In addition, other vices exist, such as drug use, violence, sexual abuse, and others. The stage of criminal justice presented is punishment or rehabilitation. The series aims at portraying the challenges that inmates experience in various correctional facilities across the country. The images are fair representations of the criminal justice system. This is because sexual abuse, corruption, drug use, and other forms of abuse are documented in correctional facilities (Stoher, Walsh, & Hemmens, 2013). This show is realistic with current-day criminal justice activities because victimization is rife even in modern correctional