Mr. Russell
English 10a
6 March 2012
Tuskegee Experiments
This is possibly one of the most inhumane things to ever happen in the 20th century in the Untied States. The experiments that took place were the root of medical misconduct and blatant disregard for human rights that took place in the name of science. The ghastly medical expirements that took place between 1932 and 1972 was merely an observation of the different stages of syphilis.
The men in these experiments for the most part were illiterate and from one of the poorest parts of Alabama. The men were also never told the disease they were suffering from the U.S Public Health Service told them they were being tested for “bad blood.” They were only watching the disease devour these unknowing men alive. If syphilis is untreated in such conditions, it can cause tumors, heart disease, paralysis, blindness, insanity, and death (drum).
If the patients knew of the nature of the experiments, to ensure their complete cooperation. They were persuaded by free medical care for minor ailments, a hot meal, and fifty dollars for their time. Hardly any of these men have never been to see a doctor of any kind. The unsophisticated men were easy to manipulate and lie to, thus allowing the doctors to observe it without any question, which allowed it to reach the point of pure calamity. To the medical government, these men where only pawns in their chess game (drum). Eventually, penicillin was a standard cure for the disease, but was withheld from the men, because the scientist at Tuskegee wanted to continue the experiments to see how it spreads and kills (NPR). Tuskegee patients were put through hell for decades, the scientist saw them as animals in a lab. They reasoned that the knowledge gained would benefit humankind. Researchers could study the natural progression of the disease as long as they did not harm their subjects. Three hundred ninety nine black men were recruited for the trial, and 201
Cited: "Remembering the Tuskegee E." NPR. NPR. Web. <>. Time Magazine. Web. <,9171,2024238,00.html>. "THE TUSKEGEE SYPHILIS EXPERIMENT." THE TALKING DRUM. Web. 08 Mar. 2012. <>.