As Joseph came upon the scene of Mr. Reese restraining Olivia, he saw what he perceived as an imminent threat to his sisters' safety. Olivia is one of Joseph's oldest friends. She shares with Joseph a similar background of a broken family. She is currently living with us, sharing meals, chores, etc. as one of us. We are her NaNa and PaPa, just as we are to Joseph and his sisters.
As he paused, he processed the scene. He saw Mr. Reese, known for his physicality when dealing with students, holding Olivia. From his observations he believed Mr. Reese was iout to slam her face into the floor. He became focused on one thing, protecting his family. Joseph …show more content…
Big words like conspiracy, collusion, coercion, coverup, and evidence tampering come to mind, and for a simple man like me to make a judgement...
In my humble opinion, this entire incident begins and ends with the actions of Mr. Reese. The school is trying to protect itself, and Mr. Reese, from an investigation into the excessive use of corporal punishment in emergency situations. I have the advantage of hearing from many students details which somehow are not present in the statements presented as proof. Like a large puzzle I have taken all the tidbits of information and through my own actions made sense of it. Would anybody else come to the same conclusions, I believe so. Would these conclusions stand up in a Court of Law, that I couldn't begin to answer.
Try this scenario out, in every statement, every document, and anything else represented in this case, change Mr. Reese into student Reese.
Joseph hears a commotion and runs to the scene.
Upon arriving, Joseph sees Reese restraining Olivia, Olivia is struggling against Reese, Reese and Olivia go to the