During those years I have had students in classroom setting or I had gifting talented elective class and I have also I had twice exceptional students as a coordinator trying to help RGT specialists and our facilitators work with students regarding the other twice exceptional students that are in classroom. As well as I had parents groups and parents of twice exceptional students who are always in need of that extra support not knowing what to do and where to go with these children and don’t quite fit into either the gifted side or special educational side. So there in a special category they need to be acknowledged for their strengths but yet looking at how we can help them through some other challenges as well.
Through my experience there been different levels of twice exceptions. From a student that I had in borrow who was a six grader. He was very gifted but he had high degree of emotional problems and so he did very well in a small class room setting. I had about 12 to 15 students in beginning in my GT-Elective class and then midway through the semester there were about 10 to 12 additional students put in the class room. When that happened I noticed he acted out more and he showed violent behavior. He was throwing chairs across the room and had a hard time dealing with other students in the classroom other personalities with distractions. When we were small groups he did very well and he was able to interact well; you know in small groups. But as soon as we got to be larger it just, there were so many other factors in the classroom that upset him and so lot times we had to call his case worker and she had to take him to another room.
I don’t believe so he could get long, he did interact but he was having high degree of