1. Introduction:
The two-factor theory (also known as Herzberg 's motivation-hygiene theory and dual-factor theory) states that there are certain factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction, while a separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction. It was developed by psychologist Frederick Herzberg, who theorized that job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction act independently of each other. According to Herzberg, intrinsic motivators such as challenging work, recognition, and responsibility produce employee satisfaction, while extrinsic hygiene factors, including status, job security, salary, and fringe benefits – if absent – produce dissatisfaction.
Herzberg 's theory appears to parallel Maslow 's needs hierarchy. Individuals look for the gratification of higher-level psychological needs having to do with achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, and the nature of the work itself. However, Herzberg added a new dimension to this theory, including factors that cause dissatisfaction as well, such as company policies, supervision, technical problems, salary, interpersonal relations on the job, and working conditions. This two-factor model of motivation is based on the notion that the presence of one set of job characteristics or incentives leads to worker satisfaction, while another and separate set of job characteristics lead to dissatisfaction. Thus, satisfaction and dissatisfaction are not on a continuum with one increasing as the other diminishes, but are independent phenomena.
2. Two-factor theory fundamentals:
2.1 Research by Herzberg:
Attitudes and their connection with industrial mental health are related to Abraham Maslow 's theory of motivation. His findings have had a considerable theoretical, as well as a practical, influence on attitudes toward administration. According to Herzberg, individuals are not content with the satisfaction of lower-order needs at work; for
Bibliography: a) Wikipedia b) Article – “Herzberg 's Motivators and Hygiene Factors” http://www.mindtools.com c) Article – “Two Factor Theory: Herzberg” http://www.boundless.com d) Article – “Motivation Theory – Herzberg” http://www.tutor2u.net