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Entry: At the beginning of the book Greg told about his life being friends with Rowley. When they were younger, they were friends. But a few years went by and they grew apart. When they stopped being friends, Rowley found this company called cool Brian. It's a company where college students hang out with kids who don't have much friends. Almost everyday Rowley would call cool Brian and they would send a guy to play with him. Greg didn't like that idea, so he just looked for actual friends. Here were these two kids, there names were Christopher, and Tyson. Greg didn't really get along with them.Christopher was mostly just used so mosquitoes don't attack Greg. And then Tyson pulls his pants all the way down when …show more content…
The reunion was at Gammie. When they got there, everyone in the family was there.They were just talking while waiting for the food. Gammies house was old, so there really not much to play with. Greg saw a jar with candy, he picked up the jar and took a piece. A few minutes after he ate the candy, he got sick. He laid on the couch while his mom was trying to figure out why the candy made him sick. His mom found a picture of Greg's dad when he was younger. Then she saw that Greg's dad had a piece of candy in his hand, that candy came from the same jar that Greg found. So the candy that Greg ate was over 14 years old. After Greg's mom figured out how he became sick, she took Greg to the hospital. When they got home from the hospital, Greg went straight to bed. When he woke up, he forgot to write the note he was going to write to Gammie. He was gonna write before they went to the reunion. But he must've forgot. So then Greg started writing the note. When he finished, he told his mom that he forgot to write the paper before the reunion. So she told his mom if she could take him to gammy's house real quick. So when they got to Gammies, Greg puts the note in Gammies …show more content…
It lasted one day. Greg's mom asked him if he wanted to go, but he refused. So she took Greg's younger brother, Manny. Greg's mom mostly did all the thing in the house, and because she was gong, none of the stuff she did is being done. When they realized that they now have to do the stuff themselves, they fell apart. They tried to do it, but every time they try to do it right, they failed. Greg's mom helps Greg with his homework, but because she's gone, Greg has no one to help him. His dad tried to help, but the way his mom helps is she rhymes anything with the actual answer. Gregs dad also flips the page by licking his finger, so every time he does that, Greg has to count the pages he licked. And his dad gets frustrated a lot, so when he does, he breaths really heavy. So Greg had to put a towel on his arm. Greg's mom also was the one who cooked his food, but because she was going, his Greg's brother, Rodrick had to cook it. Rodrick likes to make fun of Greg and mess around with him, so when Greg asked him to make leftover spaghetti, he pretended to cook it, and when Greg bit into a meatball, he spit i out and never ate leftovers again. His mom was also the one who did the laundry. And because His dad did his homework, and his brother did the cooking. Greg was the one who did the laundry. He didn't know how to fold laundry, and he needed help to know how to start the washer. So