A: Synopsis This short story, ‘Two Kinds’ is more focused on the relationships between mother and daughter. The narrator of this story, Jing Mei recalls of the days when her mother wanted her to be a prodigy in America. Her mother moved to San Francisco when she lost everything in China. At first, she thought that her daughter would be like Shirley Temple as they watched how talented Shirley Temple was in acting. And one day when the narrator’s mother saw a young Chinese girl playing piano with great skill on the television show, The Ed Sullivan Show, she decided to let Jing Mei be a prodigy in music. So she found a retired piano teacher for Jing Mei that willing to give lessons in trade of weekly house cleaning. Soon, Jing Mei was asked to go to a talent show to display her great talent in piano. She was very confident and thought that her prodigy do exist. However, her unpractised play embarrassed her family and herself. She felt that her mother would be disappointed at her after the show, but oppositely her mother insisted Jing Mei to continue her piano practice and lessons. Jing Mei continued to rebel. She shouted and wished if she were dead like the twins that her mother had before in China. This stopped their argument as well as Jing Mei’s piano lesson. She believed that her mother had totally gave up hope on the success of herself. In her thirtieth birthday, her mother offered her a piano and she claimed it as a sign of forgiveness. Then she felt proud every time she saw the trophy that she had finally won back. The main character of this story, Jing Mei is a rebellious girl. She quarrelled with her mother when her mother wanted her to go for piano lesson. She kicked her foot a little and speak rudely to her mother as her mother told her that she need to go to piano lesson.
Jing Mei is also an ungrateful daughter. Her mother actually wanted the best in her child so her mother let Jing Mei tried several things in order to let her to