August 17, 2013
Eating healthy and exercising should not be a temporary way of fixing one lifestyle; instead it should be a change in your lifestyle. Making this a permanent part of an individual daily life will not only make you look good on the outside but make you feel good on the inside. To help increase our life span we must learn to eat healthy foods and exercise daily. There are some things we must adhere to. Reducing your sugar and calorie intake can help you in becoming healthier. In the end eating fewer calories will also help you to lose weight. By reducing an individual sugar and calorie intake, individuals can start with as simple as chewing your food. There are study that shows that chewing your food 40 times instead of 25 chews resulted in fewer calories being ingested. On the other hand, when one’s food is missing that extra flavor it’s healthier to add spices rather than sauces. This will help eliminate some unneeded sugar and calories. Another way of reducing your sugar and calorie intake would be to be aware of your proportion size. One way to consider this can be if you’re dining out you can always split your meal. Not only are you splitting your food proportion, but you sharing the calories, sugar and most of all the bill. If you by chance are dining out alone, you can also ask for a to-go box and box off half of your meal before you start eating to prevent one from eating too much. Also whenever you go to the drive thru, don’t eat from the bag. Instead wait until you reach your destination and place your food in a bowl or on a plate. This will help one from over eating resulting consuming too many calories. One of the best ways to control what you’re eating and what is going into your food is to cook at home. Try baking or grilling your food, this is also the most effective way to reduce your calorie intake. Cooking at home also allow us to control one amount sizes; one