identified with type two diabetes. According to American Diabetes Association (1992-2012), “In
type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin .
Insulin is necessary for the body to be able to use glucose for energy” (para.2). There are many
complications that come with having type 2 diabetes. A person with type 2 diabetes has badly
circulating blood, and prone to getting bruises and infection. The blood is not able to circulate
making it difficult for the healing process. Another medical problem caused by diabetes is
blurred or loss of vision. This happens because of the high blood
sugar levels in the body,
causing the lens of the eye to swell. It also affects hearing, small blood vessels in the inner ear
are damaged. High blood caused by diabetes can also, put a person at risk for kidney disease,
heart attack, or stroke. Skin conditions such as, boils, staph, fungal infections are common with
The risks factors are high for getting diabetes if you are, Native American, Hispanic, and African
American, Other risk factors that increase chances of getting diabetes, is being over-weight.
According to Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (1998-2012), “The more
fatty tissue you, have the more resistant your cells become to insulin”(para.2) People that do not
excersie 3 times a week are at risk for getting diabetes. When people are physically active the
body uses glucose as a source of energy.