1. The Silent Buyer Stays silent, apparently glum, who is probably more disturbing to a new salesperson.
How to handle:
- Ask questions, wait for feedback.
- Make a selling point, repeat it twice ask their opinion.
- Meet silence with silence, it forces prospect to say something.
2. The Phlegmatic or Imperturbable Buyer These are cool and calm buyers
How to handle
- Go on for simple presentation, explain everything and give remarks of close. He will reply.
3. The Talkative Buyer By talking more, they reveal a lot about themselves,
How to handle
- Let them carry on, provided that what is said is relevent.
- Flattered by a good listener. They will sell your product to themselves better than you would.
- Let them talk as long as their talking is helping you.
- If they wander from the subject, bring them back.
4. The Argumentative Buyer They argue even when there is nothing to argue about. He will dispute every statement you make. They will check thoroughness of your sales presentation.
How to handle
- Follow cardinal rule, customer is always right, even though they are wrong.
- Your job here is to sell and not to win argument.
- Have all your facts at your fingertips.
- Exercise patience and restraint.
5. The Disbelieving Buyer They don't argue but openly state their disbelief for the salespersons statements.
How to handle
- give them proof.
- Give them for trial.
6. The Indecisive Buyer They are indecisive because they are uncertain of themselves and afraid of making mistakes. He may be erratic, reserved or timid.
How to handle
- Inspire confidence and convince them that you are recommending the right purchase.
- Delay with this buyer is dangerous, go all out to get a decision.
7. The Ill-Mannered Buyer Rude buyers are a fact of life. It is hopeless to try and cure them.
How to handle
- Do not retaliate, but if our of limit withdraw with dignity.
- Say Sir
8. The Guileful Buyer Buyer who