Submitted to:
Professor Nerissa dela Viña
Upon watching the video presentation 1, I was able to follow the sequence of the conversation between the buyer and the seller. The first thing that I have understood is a salesperson or seller needs to understand business well enough to help their dream clients or buyers improve their business. It’s also very helpful to have the situational knowledge that comes from having done lots of discovery sales calls and from actually helping clients. I believe that it is wiser to build first relationship before value. It’s good to know some things. It’s even better to know that there is far more that a seller doesn’t know.
The salesperson’s dream buyer expects him to have a strong foundational knowledge. He doesn’t expect him to know and understand what things mean within their own organization or to have knowledge of their experiences. It is a great help for the salesperson in the video presentation 1 of knowing his clients interests, hobbies and activities of the organization by means of asking the buyer’s nearest or closest people that commonly sees or know him, like his secretaries. It is a very good start to establish or build rapport with your buyer so that the buyer will have a good look towards you and the intention of having a good business is in good faith, and most especially gain the buyer’s trust. As salesperson, he must change his thinking. Instead of being so quick to push a solution, salesperson should think more like a doctor who ask questions to thoroughly diagnose problems prior to offering cures. Diagnostic conversations explore and evaluate the nature and full extent of a customer’s problem.
I am quite impressed the way the seller presented himself to the buyer. He uses a purposeful question to encourage thoughtful and detailed responses from his prospect buyer. He had done