1.1 Overview
A computer is an electronic device that receives (input) data, processes that data, stores data and produces results (output). Computer can be classified according to their data representation that is functionality, based on their purpose or based on their physical size.
It’s the classifications that bring about types of computers.
There are four types of computers that is, micro computer, minicomputer, mainframe computer and super computer.
1.2 Justifications
Understanding the types of computers will be helpful in determining whether it’s suitable for the intended purpose. For example if it’s a simple task for an individual or small organization then the microcomputer will be more suitable than a main frame computer which serve large organization.
1.3 In brief
In this essay we define what a computer is in detail in terms of the input, process and output.
The features, purposes, functioning, subclasifications and costs of the four types of computers are also discussed. 3.0 TYPES OF COMPUTERS
2.1 Defining A Computer
According to Saleemi (2009), “A computer may be defined as a machine which accepts data from an input device performs arithmetical and logical operations in accordance with a predefined program and finally transfers the processed data to an output device.
The definition of computer can be viewed broadly in three major cases as illustrated below:
Data and instructions
Execution and storage
“(All computers can perform the functions of inputting, storing, processing, controlling, styling and outputting data and information (Ravichdndran, 2001 pg2).”
It works upon the input data using the issued