These are type of decisions, which if made once cannot be undone. Whatever is decided would then have its repercussions for a long time to come. It commits one irrevocably when there is no other satisfactory option to the chosen course. A manager should never use it as an all-or-nothing but instant escape from general indecision.
These are the decisions that can be changed completely, either before, during or after the agreement of taking action. Such types of decisions allows one to acknowledge a mistake early in the process rather than perpetuate it. It can be effectively used for changing circumstances where reversal is necessary.
These types of decisions are not final until the first results appear and prove themselves to be satisfactory. It requires positive feedback before one can decide on a course of action. It is useful and effective when correct move is unclear but there is a general clarity regarding the direction of action.
Trial and Error
In this type of decision making, knowledge is derived out of past mistakes. A certain course of action is selected and is tried out, if the results are positive, the action is carried further, if the results appear negative, another course is adopted. And so on and so forth a trial is made and an error is encountered. Till the right combination takes place, this situation continues. It allows the manager to adopt and adjust plans continuously before the full and final commitment. It uses both, the positive and negative feedback before selecting one particular course of action.
Made in stages
Here, the decisions are made in steps until the whole action is completed. It allows close monitoring of risks as one accumulates the evidences from out-comes and obstacles at every stage. It permits feedback and further discussion before the next stage of the decision is made.
It allows time for contingencies and problems