Activity 8
a) There are so many risk assessments in health and social care, the triage nurse at the emergency centre, OH&S risk assessments done on building sites and government institutions, risk assessments are done on all clients in a group home and protocols developed according to the level of risk for the worker, hygiene and often SCIP (Strategies for Crisis Intervention and Prevention) training is provided when risk is identified, inoculations are provided for health workers working with help positive clients, level of staffing is determined on "how at risk" staff are exposed to violence, the other side of the coin is how to protect clients from themselves or others, sometimes "safe areas" are installed, assessments take a lot of time and are detailed and lengthy, the key is the review process to see if things in place are successful, and to change and alter as required, this takes a whole team of people and specialists, it's often burdensome, dangerous and involves very detailed reporting and analysis.
‘Risk taking’ can be defined as:
‘a course of purposeful action based on informed decisions concerning the possibility of positive and negative outcomes of types and levels of risk appropriate in certain situations’.
This indicates that the taking of risks should include the elements of purpose and the setting of objectives. It should involve informed decision-making, where service users exchange and understand information with regard to risks. Further, it should embrace the appraisal of options, particularly in relation to potential harms and benefits from a course of action or from a set of circumstances. Finally, it sets boundaries for decision making about risk taking. By ‘risk literacy’ is meant ‘the capacity for critical understanding of, and reflective judgments about, risk and risk taking, based on evidence and experiential learning’. risk literacy needed to guide decision-making and to strike appropriate balances. PRT