We often talk to each other when we are cleaning up our cars on Sunday. Besides these conversations and living in the same neighborhood, there is nothing between us.
Base on Viorst 's description, convenient friends are those that we would not have naturally befriended, and only cross paths occasionally.
These people are not really friends in the original sense of the word. These are people we get to relate with out of convenience and do not have talk to them too much about ourselves. Even Viorst admitted that: "But we don 't with convenience friends, ever come too close or tell too much: We maintain our public face and emotional distance."(1). Another example is my next door neighbor, Tanya. She always invites me to play tennis with her every afternoon. Because I do not like to exercise alone, so I go play tennis with her regularly. We talk a lot about this sport on how to improve the foot step, the dink, the equipments. We play together but we do not express our personal problems or private stories to each other. In my view, this type of friends is best called 'acquaintances ' because we, at some point, rely on them for some convenient causes. Moreover, I need Tanya as a sport mate to be able to play my favorite sport and she needs me for the same reason. About George, though we do not see each other often, I still like to have a chats with him sometimes because he always helps me to trim my trees. They also ask me to fix their computers sometimes too and I am happy to do that as a small favor to payback their favors. Though their lives do not go along with my lives but , when I cross them, I happy to lend my help to their minor needs as they will return that favor to me in future.
Second, is the highest level of friendship, it is about : close friends. I think that the most important facet of friendship is all about intimacy. Hence, Viorst explained close friends are "friendship of deep intimacy" (3). Three years ago, I