2. Feeling of shame for a particular inner feeling * It is a feeling that you ashamed that you’re embarrass because you’re different to their culture. You afraid of being laughable or unacceptable because you are not the same as their personality.
3. Shame for what others might be thinking * It is a feeling that you are afraid of being teased or pissing of you because they are sensitive yet they are rich so you can’t keep pace on them. Or you are ashamed of be embarrassed by other to your personality.
4. A fear of rejection by parents and family * You are afraid to ashamed from other people to your family so that if the other people know your what you’re doing bad though you are think that you reject from your family and it become bad image in outcome to your family.
5. Fear of rejection by society * You are fear of people in society says on you when you are getting bad doing, you are afraid of if they are think of you is not a good on you. Then your personality or your reputation is not to do well in their mind. It means you are afraid of losing their respect in your society. *
6. A feeling of guilt for a mistake * You are afraid to have a mistake so that they are laugh at you if you do. Being guilty of a mistake is not the same as feeling guilty about the mistake. Feeling guilty is the wrong response, admitting one's guilt, without reservation, is the right response. Guilt comes from judging our actions, good or bad. Avoiding a judgement and being responsible for the outcome detaching it from ego sources is what I understand you are talking about. * 7. A sense of feeling self-rejection * A feeling of guilt that you are not