➢ Plato was born in Athens in 428/27 BCE, one year after death of Pericles.
➢ His father traced his lineage to the old kings of Athens and before them to the god Posiedon.
➢ His, mother Perictione, was the sister of Chramides and the cousin of Critias.
➢ In such a family atmosphere, Plato learned much about public life and developed at an early age a sense of responsibility for public political service.
➢ Around 387 BCE, when he was about 40 yrs. Old, Plato founded the Academy at Athens.
• The Cave
• The Dividend Line
➢ Plato provides more detail about levels of knowledge that we can obtain
➢ These objects and their parallel types of thought can be diagram as follows:
Types of
Objects y Thought
|The Good, Forms |Intelligence |
|Mathematical |Thinking |
|Objects | |
|Things |Belief |
|Images |Imagining |
➢ The most superficial form of mental activity is found at the lowest level of the line.
➢ The three levels of reality here are, then
1. The form of Humanness
2. The embodiment of this Form in Socrates
3. The image of Socrates as represented on canvass
Belief ➢ The next stage after imagining is belief. ➢ It may strike us as strange that Plato should use the word believing instead of knowing to describe the state of mind induced by seeing actual objects.
Thinking ➢ When we move from believing to thinking, we move from the visible world to the intelligible world and from the realm of opinion to the realm of knowledge