Lord Holme and Richard Watts from The World Business Council for Sustainable Development in its publication Making Good Business Sense defined Corporate Social Responsibilty as the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large (Corporate Social Responsibilty 2004).
UMW’s Corporate Social Responsibilty Response
UMW Holdings finds it self commited to reducing water and air pollution by aiming to reduce the volatile organic compound emissions (VOC), reduction on the use of substances of concern (SOC), promoting the effective use of resources, adapting international environmental standards, as well as reducing water consumption. UMW is also commited to addressing the problem of high energy consumption by enhancing energy efficiencies throughout its plant facility. UMW also aims at addressing the high energy consumption of the public as well as its internal operations.
UMW Holdings Berhad is also commited to raising awareness regarding the environment as well as its deteriorating factors amongst its partners by conducting carbon dioxide reduction training, introduding partners to Dealers Environmental Risk Assessment Programme (DERAP) as well as getting partners to attain ISO 14001. UMW is also commited to raising environmental awareness amongst its employees. They conduct environmental talks held by environemntal specialist as well as hold dialogue sessions amongst its employees. In the community, UMW has developed programs such as Toyota Eco Youth Programme which is aimed to secondary schools whereby school students are taught about drain and river pollutions and methods to helo reduce them. Besides that, the Toyota Eco Rangers which is also targeted towards secondary schools, is a tree planting programme whereby over 9000 planted trees are