Relationships go through a series of stages as they mature. Levinger's model has ABCDE stages.
A = Acquaintance/attraction. We meet other people and feel an initial attraction, often based on physical beauty and similarity.
B = Build-up. We become increasingly interdependent as we reveal more and more about our private selves. We get irritated by one another, but the more pleasant aspects may well keep the relationship going.
C = Continuation/consolidation. Longer-term commitments are made, such as marriage. The partnership enters what may be a life-long stable relationship.
D = Deterioration. Many relationships decay, due to several factors. These include relative effort, rewards, barriers to exit (such as marriage and social obligation) and the availability of alternatives.
E = Ending. The relationship ends when partners agree to separate or one leaves.
1.2 Enhancements of health and social care practice – is for the benefit of people who use the service and staff to build and sustain positive relationships. When people understand the stage of the relationships they are in they can act according to what they want. If a person wants to sustain them, he or she would act to prevent deterioration. If a person wants to end them, he or she will get through the deterioration as soon as possible.
2.1 Benefits of supportive relationships - Having caring relationships is important to an individual’s emotional well-being. The way to develop supportive relationships is to be supportive to others. Spending time as much time as possible with people who have the qualities that support you and spending time away from individuals who do not have those qualities is the best route to developing supportive relationships.