Hereditary-Environment correlations relates to the concept that individuals’ genes influence the types of environments to which they are exposed. Sandra Scarr described three different kinds of ways that they corre
Understanding Check One In general, hereditary and environment have a lot of different sides to it and opinions. The relationship between the two is only mutual interaction. The hereditary part will set the growth factors from genes and the environment part will set an extended amount of genetic potential within society. One psychologist, Sandra Scarr, has sent her own point of view with the subject of hereditary and environment with three different points of passive, evocative, and active. The passive perspective deals with the individual’s genes and surroundings of environment that are correlated with one another (Salkind, 2004). This occurs when the biological parents created a child and provide a nurture environment to their genetically related child (Santrock, 2011). They also provide a rear bearing for the child with in their own environment. An example of this from my parents is the need to want me to be intelligent and successfully read. My parents provided me with books to read and to learn enjoy reading. In return to getting me to read skillfully, I, the child, effectively became an exceptional reader. This was both due to both of my parents and their inherited predispositions and their very own environmental encouragements (Black Hawk College, 2012). Another example of the passive genotype-environment correlation is my heavily sport inclined parents. They have always been very involved in playing, participating are enjoying professional sports. My dad has coached while my mom just participated in watching him. Since my parents are very into sports, my sister and I are into sports. As a sport-oriented family, we always go to events together such as football or baseball. We even all like going bowling
References: Hereditary-Environment. (2012). Black Hawk College. Retrieved from Salkind, N. J. (2004). An introduction to theories of human development (p. 34). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Santrock, J. W. (2011). Biological Beginnings. Life-span development (13th ed., pp. 72-73). Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill.