My aim in this unit is to look at inclusive learning and teaching in lifelong learning and explore it in the context of teaching Information Technology. I will analyse and evaluate aspects, strategies and approaches to inclusive learning. I will explain how areas like resources, functional skills, feedback and assessment opportunities can help learners achieve their goals and beyond. Also, I will show how important the learning environment is towards motivating learners and promoting respect for others.
Inclusion is ensuring that all learners feel part of the learning process and can participate and contribute in order to get the best opportunity to succeed. Wilson (2008:153) states that inclusion is “about creating interesting, varied and inspiring learning opportunities for all learners; ensuring all learners contribute and are never disadvantaged by methods, language or resources”.
This statement makes sense as if learners feel excluded and their needs are not met in any session they will most likely not be motivated to learn and thus prevent their overall development. Francis and Gould (2009:74) statement supports this theory when it noted that “all learners should feel part of and engaged in the particular session”. It was in 1996 Tomlinson defined inclusion as ‘the greatest degree of match or fit between individual learning requirements and provision’. Although his theory centred on students with learning difficulties and disabilities in mainstream college provision, it is suggesting that everyone will benefit if learning and teaching is inclusive. Where inclusion is diversity is not far behind as we have a wide range of learners from various cultural, religious background, ethnicity, gender/orientation, age, physical disabilities, previous experiences, mental health issues, aptitude and learning styles. For example, a teacher can use the cultural background of their
References: Francis, M.,Gould J.; (2009) Achieving your PTLLS Award. London: Sage Wilson, L. (2008) Practical Teaching: A Guild to PTLLS & CTLLS. Italy: G Canale & C. Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education 2008-2012 CSIE About Inclusion? [Online] Accessed: 28/04/2012 Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education 2008-2012 CSIE What is Inclusion? [Online] Accessed: 28/04/2012 Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education 2008-2012 CSIE Why Inclusion [Online] Accessed: 28/04/2012 Assessed 07.05.2012 Moser Report