Saida Ali Holyfield
Abstract At one point, managed care was the viewed as a resourceful tool in efforts to help assist employee, physicians and hospitals with quality health care, while controlling the cost of medical care in the United States. Over the past 30 years, managed care has been in the limelight of health insurance, as a dictator of how it will pay for medical bills. There have been many factors playing a role with managed care over the years. For example, due to the slim selection of options that are available with physicians in rural areas, and limited physicians to choose from, does this compromise the quality of care of each member or does this cut off services for members that are critically ill? Managed care continues to affect not just members in the work force but also it affects disabled members, the elderly community, and young children covered under Medicaid. The struggles to find a solution to all the concerns as it related to Managed care would continue to be an ongoing concern. The future role of government regulations, including ERISA and HIPPA will continue to play a role as it relates to managed care, and the protection of the rights of employees. The cost containment of health care benefits and the high deductibles are an ongoing topic for discussion as to how it affects employees and their medical needs going unmet for the lack of revenue to pay for the deductibles. In this paper discussion related to concerns, evolving around managed care would be discussed. The future for managed care would be outlined in depth, and the need for managed care would be mentioned.
Managed Health Care Quality
The initial beginning of Managed Healthcare started in the United States with the purpose of improving the medical system. Since the beginning, which has been over 3 decades, research has indicated that the goals are being reached. In fact, most research indicates that during the twentieth
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