(Page 1) 1.1 functions of assessment.
Initial assessment can be described as set of procedures we go through to determine what previous experience, skills and abilities a learner has. The process may include skills scan screening for numeracy, literacy and language as well as learning styles and skills abilities, and recognise any prior R.P.L .The results of initial assessment should form individual learning plans so that training and support are delivered that will meet the needs of each learner .Formative assessment is the on-going assessment made in order to adapt to learners needs and respond to learning. Formative assessment helps you keep record of learner’s progress and adapt your teaching to their needs. It helps learners too. Seeing how they are progressing towards their goals can be highly motivating and make them want to learn. Summative assessment refers to the assessment of learning and summarises development at the time .For example after a unit or a review or piece of work. 1.2 Key concepts and principles Key concepts and principles of assessment is for learner, trainer/assessor, organisation and employer to find out what skills need to be learnt by learner what type of training and assessment needs to be followed. It is general knowledge that in order to evaluate the students’ performances we need to use a variety of of assessment methods. Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process as it focuses on the ‘assessment of learning ‘.Brown 2004 indicates that an assessment or test is a method used to measure a person’s ability, knowledge or performance in a given area .Therefore the main aim is to develop and select assessment tasks which allow us to measure students skills in terms of fluency, accuracy, appropriateness and complexity and provide ‘next step learning ‘for student and assessor. Blooms taxonomy states psychomotor is = physical, skills and do.