Peoples were afraid of the government gaining too much power and using the police as a militarized police tool to control a rebellions that would come up. Putting the military into apposition were the judicial system can and would control the population is where the separation of the government, from the admiration of the policing department. The members of the policing powers also gained power for instead of being community based. “Semiliterate members of the working class wearing outfits that they thought looked like servants livery, charged with duties which no one clearly understood (Monkkonen page 2)” Not understanding what their exact job was to, and the never-ending changing of what specifics of their jobs were is what made the police departments in the various cities go through different tactics or concepts of trying try get a truly amalgamated police department. Although the appearance of a more unified policing depart was revolutionary in the sense were there really wasn’t one beforehand ever in the European and Americas, they still had very little …show more content…
When the United States attained Louisiana from France in 1803, the French’s till had a long lasting effect on the state and cities in it. Instead of English common law, French common law at least when Louisiana started to follow it was based on the French poorer, Napoleon, in 1804. Although since the United States did acquire Louisiana from the French, they still held a lot of influence in it and thus derived their civil code from it. (Engber, Daniel. "Is Louisiana under Napoleonic Law?" Slate. 12 Sept. 2005. Web. 17 Dec. 2015.) The New Orleans policing system was distinctive in the fact that it accepted the northern system faster than some of the other cities in the south. “New Orleans first adopting the Deep South model of a paramilitary police and then shifting in the years 1836-1840 to the civil style characteristic of northern police reforms in the 1840s and 1850s.” (Rousey 6) Conceding, they were not the only city were the police was militarized, New Orleans was different in the fact that their population had Th majority of being African American (Freed or escape). With this populations demographics, their wants and needs would be different than in the more urban places were their needs were controlling the slave industry. The slave industry itself create a system of policing that would affect there laws that the police would have