Introduction to Humanities
Individual Project
Jennifer Gonzales
AIU Online
Assistant Professor Lewis E. Lynn
May 4, 2013
Differences and Similarities
Early Greece Early Rome
|Greek architecture was very big and beautiful considering the Greek culture was dominated by | | Ancient Rome is well-known for their architecture, the use of the arch from Rome made it |
|religion. Also this architecture had a political purpose and to celebrate civic power. | |possible for engineering and carrying water from springs to cities more than fifty miles |
| | |away. The Forum Romanum for example, started out as a market place and then transformed |
| | |in to the economic, religious, political and town square of Rome. Thought to be the |
| | |product of a deliberate landfill project. |
| |Architecture | |
|Greece is known for growing and having wheat farms. Greece is also known for growing barley,| |Rome is also known for wheat and olives. Romans were very much interested in agriculture |
|citrus, dates and olives too. | |and having amazing harvests meant their empire was strong. Which they could hold over |
|Greece was the main manufacturer of olive oil. | |smaller empires heads and control smaller empires. |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Agriculture | |
|In early Greece, the Greeks depended on their wheat fields. | |The Romans’ economy was based on agriculture |
|Small self-sufficient wheat farms | |They imported their wheat |
|Bad agriculture practices made it tough to feed themselves | |The Romans engaged in trade, which the Greeks found to be degrading |
|The Greeks worked in mines and manufacturing | |The Romans worked in mines and manufacturing |
|After losing many farm lands big estates took over and started producing wine and olive oil | |The economy is dependent on slave labor |
|Coinage |Economics |The Roams also produced wine and olive oil |
|No free man worked for wage unless driven to it by poverty. | |Coinage |
|Mediterranean Country, all cities and states are separated by hilly landscape and all near | |Mediterranean country, ancient Rome was in an area made rich by volcanoes. The most |
|water. Greece’s peninsula extends from the Balkans to the Mediterranean sea; it is | |disruptive MT. Vesuvius near what is now the modern city of Naples. |
|mountainous, with many gulfs and bays. There are many forests in Greece, and Greece is quite| | |
|stony for pasturage. |Geography | |
| | | |
|In Athens, kings ruled then an oligarchy which is referred to as a few high ranked people | | A monarchist governed Rome meaning Rome was ruled b y a king. After the monarchist phase|
|that ruled, then a democracy which is what our world today uses. All decisions made for the | |Rome was governed by a mixed republican form, followed by emperors. |
|people by the people. | | |
| | | |
| |Government | |
|Art is considered superior when compared to Roman art | |Roman art is considered imitative |
|The Greek goal of art was to produce an art form Art associated with Greece is the Venus De | |Roman artists goals were to produce realistic portraits for decoration |
|Milo | |The art form associated with Rome is the Mosaic or wall painting known as the Fresco |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Music, art, entertainment | |
|Very religious people, early Greek civilizations worshipped what they thought were gods. | |Romans did not believe in the all mighty powerful god like our religion today. The Romans|
|These so called gods would appear in human form with super strength and ageless beauty. | |religion was based on a fragment of rituals like rituals, suspicions and taboos that they |
|Ancient Greece was dominated by religion. | |gained over the years and grew. These rituals came from many different sources like we |
| | |have these days. Most forms of prayers and religions required sacrifices. |
| | |Early Romans thought Christians a new religion as a cult and to be very dangerous. |
| |Religion | |
|Sports were very important to the Greeks religion. | |Sports were for entertainment and not important to the Romans religion. Fitness and |
|Ancient Greece developed the Olympics like the Olympics we have today there was an assortment| |ability to be athletic was an important trait for Roman men to have. Riding, fencing, |
|of sports like horse racing, racing on foot, boxing and wrestling. Women were not allowed to| |wrestling, throwing and fencing were sports Romans practiced. Women were not allowed to |
|watch these sports. | |participate in these sports. |
| | | |
| |Sports | |
Sayre, M. H. (2013). Discovering the Humanities. Pearson Publishing.
References: Sayre, M. H. (2013). Discovering the Humanities. Pearson Publishing.