Word count:5150
At present my role is of a hairdressing teacher in a further education college.
I currently teach hairdressing on the NVQ level 1, 2 and 3 programs. Gravel’s, A (2006, p5) suggests that it is all about helping someone to reach their full potential, whether this is for personal or professional reasons, and for me, helping to make a difference to someone’s life can be very rewarding.
Within this assignment I am aiming to discuss the learning outcomes as outlined in Unit 1 - Planning and preparing for teaching and learning to define the roles and responsibilities of a teacher.
Reece and Walker (2003, P4) describe a modern teacher as being a facilitator and when comparing a modern teaching role to more traditional teaching methods, I agree that this is true. As the modern role requires the teacher to be able to communicate with the learners in such a way as to inspire and encourage all learners to engage within their chosen subject. To be able to do this is vital when teaching within further education as groups consist of not just different age ranges but also learners from different learning backgrounds, with individual needs and abilities. Due to this diversity, it becomes more important for teachers to explore new and inventive ways when approaching schemes of work and session plans, whilst ensuring it covers all the aims and outcomes of the syllabus set out by the awarding body (VTCT) and follows an internal strategy which is monitored by an external verifier to ensure that standards are being adhered to. By doing this it will ensure that the aims and objectives planned in a session are meaningful and relevant to all learners.
One of the roles of a teacher is to identify learners’ needs thus ensuring the learners are not only on the correct course but also on the correct level for their ability. It is my responsibility to
Bibliography: Brookfield, Stephen. D (1995), Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher, Published by Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Imprint, 989 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103-1471 CfBT Education Trust (2008), Guidance for Assessment and Learning, Reading, UK Gravells, Ann (2012), 5th Edition Preparing to Teach in the Life Long Learning Sector, Learning Matters, an imprint of SAGE Publications Limited, London Equal Opportunities Policy Inclusive Learning, Principles and Recommendations: A Summary of the Findings of the Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities Committee, (1996), published by the Further Education Funding Council. Lifelong learning UK Wallace, Susan (2001, reprinted 2004), Teaching and Supporting Learning in Further Education Reece, I and Walker, S Rogers, A. 2002. Teaching adults. 3rd edition. Buckingham, England. QIA, 2008 Reference Rogers, Alan (2002), Teaching Adults, Third Edition, Open University Press Nordmann, L. 2002. Therapy: the foundations. 3rd edition. England, Macmillian Ltd. No Author. 2011. [online] Equality and diversity legislation http://idea.gov.uk/idk/core/page.do?pageId=5145524 Date accessed on: 28/09/2012 No Author Petty, G. (2009) Teaching today. A practical guide. 4th edition. London, Nelson Puffett, N Trautmann, N.M., Carlsen, W.S., Eick, C.J., Gardner, F.E., Kenyon, L., Moscovici, H., Moore, J.C., Thompson, M., and West, S., 2003, Online peer review, learning science as it 's practiced. Journal of College Science Teaching. P. 443-447. Walkin, L. 1990. Teaching and learning in further and adult education. 1st edition. Cheltenham, England. P. 71 - 72. Wolf, K. 1996. [Online] Reflective Practice Available: http://vfc5.project.mnscu.edu/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC=%7B848F7546-AD85-4B8E-9C20-E2475CAE341A%7D Date accessed on: 21/09/2012