Mary Smith
University of LaVerne
MGT 332: Organizational Behavior
John Doe, Instructor
January 6, 2005
Implementing Organizational Change A theory that has been used as a model for implementing change in organizational settings is Kurt Lewin’s theory of planned change (as cited in Hall, 1997). The three phases identified in Lewin’s change process include “unfreezing, moving or changing, and refreezing” (Hall, p. 240). The model is used to assist the organization to overcome obstacles and bring about effective change. Lewin’s model (as cited in Hall, 1997) is ideal for implementing change at the XYZ Plant. This change model has been shown to be effective because it (a) can be applied to any setting, (b) is easy to follow, and (c) incorporates strategies to identify and resolve obstacles during the change process (Moore, 1997). The model will be used to describe the trial implementation of the honor system method for employees in the Engineering Department to document their time worked. The simplicity of Lewin’s model seems appropriate because the proposed change is relatively straightforward and affects a small number of employees within the organization.
The first phase of the process involves the identification of a need for change and the establishment of a receptive climate (Hall, 1997). Identifying factors that present potential obstacles to successful change, communicating information about the problem to all employees in the department, and outlining the benefits associated with the new change are strategies for unfreezing the environment. In this case, the employees are supportive of the proposed change, but the administration requires further convincing. The second phase of the process is change. This refers to the implementation of new ideas, values, or behaviors that focus on the actual change (Hall, 1997). Strategies in this phase that apply to the XYZ
References: Jones, A. (1997). Organizational dynamics. Business Issues, 13, 32-37. Retrieved March 3, 1999 from: Classroom strategies in adult learning programs. (1997, Spring). Retrieved March 3, 1998 from: Lefrancois, G. R. (1994). Psychology for teaching (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing. Rosenberg, M. J. (1982). The ABC 's of ISD. Training and Development Journal, 36 (9), 44-50. Ryan, S.A. (1997, August 20). Accreditation for the future: A director’s perspective. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Retrieved March 3, 1998 from: Tarnow, K. G. (1979). Working with adult learners. Nurse Educator, 4 (5), 34-40.