D1 - Discuss the child’s needs in relation to the selected area of development.
The three observations that I carried out shows that . . .
Written Account
The observations show that child A has not developed fully balance and coordination as he got unsteady on the tram-pet, we can help to improve this by putting in place bars to hold on or creating activities around jumping but on a flat, steady surface. Child A showed he was confident when balancing on the balance beam, but he finds it difficult listening to instructions asked of him, and seemed more concerned in other children around him. At the end of the session child A finished with a cool down, when observing it showed that he was able to balance on one leg, but only when holding his arms out, to help improve child A can put his arms to his side for short periods of time.
Time Sample
When observing child A struggles to start and stop when riding his bike, this may be because he has not yet fully developed hand eye coordination. But due to child A, being a kinaesthetic learner the more he practices the more he will develop the skills. Also child A showed that he needed extra support when jumping backwards, to help promote this this mini exercisers can be introduced to help. Child A was able to crawl and roll but lack the ability to move at different heights to help this music can be played as part of the tasks relating to different hieght an example may be ‘Head, shoulders, knees and toes’ this also promotes their language and identify their own body.
Child A when drawing numbers finds it difficult to recognise or visualise each number, this suggests that child A needs more help on understanding the different numbers. We can do this by planning activities to help gain numeracy skills, which are appropriate to the age and stage, and suggest that at home they practise counting and recognising numbers to progress onto the same or a similar level as the expected rate. Child