I work alongside key stage 1 children aged between 5 and 6 years old. I establish a respectful, professional relationship with children by communicating clearly and using the child’s name (finding out/learning them if not known). I adapt my behaviour appropriately when communicating with children and use my body language and actions to help me. I always get down to the child’s level when speaking, so that they do not feel intimidated. I never shout. I make myself approachable by smiling and being friendly, also I have found that firm ground rules and mutual respect from the start has helped. I discuss what I expect from them and visa versa so the children (have a sense) know I’m listening to them. I always listen to the children and if its inappropriate timing I make time to listen and talk things through at break time/lunchtime. When children become quiet and out of character I make conversation by asking questions like: ‘how are you?’, ‘What’s the matter?’
1.3 Describe how to deal with disagreements between children/ young people.
I would deal with disagreements between children by: * Going back to the beginning * Listening to both sides of the argument from each child * Establish if either was in the wrong * Decide if apologies are required
(Apologise are always required if a child has been upset even if by accident.) * Refer to class teacher/ Head if necessary. * Insure the appropriate adult is informed of incident and outcome
2.1 Describe how you establish respectful, professional, relationships with adults you work with, giving specific examples of how you have interacted with them.
I establish a respectful, professional relationship with adults I work with by supporting my colleagues, by helping them as much as I can – doing what I am asked. I listen to everything that I am told as these things can be very important to class activities; also it enables me to develop professionally. By being respectful and ensuring good, polite manners even when I might not necessarily agree my professional relationships are able to develop. I maintain confidentiality by offering practical and emotional support when needed, keeping things to myself and not repeating them. I also try to communicate to the best of my ability by passing on messages straight away and dealing with issues promptly.
2.2 As you are a constant role model to the children, complete the following statement.
It is important that I........
It is important that I am happy, friendly and approachable whilst using the correct communication/ language skills (where appropriate) at all times as well as being trustworthy and enthusiastic in what ever I do. It is extremely important to be reliable, punctual and to maintain a good professional relationship with my colleagues.
3.1 (1.2) It is important to interact with children in a way that is appropriate to their age or stage of development. How can we do this?
Key Stage 1
Children need to be reminded to listen to each other and to concentrate on what is going on at the time and to take turns when speaking, by putting their hands up and not shouting out. They need to be asked to repeat instructions back, so that we can check that they understand what has been said. Children at this age are unable to concentrate for long activities and will get tired easily. When speaking/communicating with children we should get down to their level, as it can be intimidating if we tower above them. Changing children’s routines and excitement may be difficult to manage too.
Key Stage 2
Some children still need to be reminded to wait for their turn when speaking and engaging in activities but may be able to communicate more clearly and maturely, as they are more (familiar) adept with their conversational skills. Children tend to be more considerate to there peers and ask for their advice and ideas (other peers ideas). Also children may still need to repeat instructions back.
Key Stage 3
Children may be familiar to formal or informal language e.g. Slang. They will understand how to communicate in the appropriate way. A lot of communication at this age is with technology e.g., mobile phones, computers etc. Children may need to be encouraged to speak out as they become more reluctant to speak out in classes, as this can cause embarrassment. They like to spend more time in smaller groups to express ideas and help gain confidence.
3.2) Describe the main differences between communicating with adults and communicating with C/YP.
A child has more patience and tries to understand. At times understanding is taken for granted in most adult conversation and interaction.
Children can spot ‘liars’ and are more likely to be truthful when they speak where as adults may tell ‘white lies’ all the time, e.g. Father Christmas, vegetable eating etc
Children communicate with honest thoughts and emotions whereas adults convince themselves of things, about how they feel.
Children need to have vocabulary broken down into small chunks whereas adults have already learnt and developed their language and communication skills.
Children are willing to accept that something might not be as they thought it was whereas adults usually think they know what it is, even when they are wrong.
3.3) Identify examples of communication difficulties that may exist
See Spider Diagram
3.4) Describe how to adapt communication to meet different communication needs.
A person who is deaf/ hard of hearing
Be sure to face the person when speaking so they can lip read or you may need to be at the front of class so they can hear the teacher. Also you may need to use sign language such as Makaton.
A person who is not English speaking/ can’t speak English well
It is important to speak more slowly or to re-explain words and simplify them. At times communication might be a different language that you both know. Picture flash cards can be used or an interpreter may be needed.
A person who has learning difficulties
Speak clearly facing the person, use symbol and pictures to communicate where necessary. Charts may be needed for encouragement and a book to write down how they feel. A book/diary can be used for home/school so parents/teachers can record what happens in the day and this can be used to help remind the child what they have done so they can re-tell it or the adult can use the information to prompt conversations.
A Person who as Autism
Speak clearly and calm and keep the tone of your voice very neutral, symbols may be used to help with conversation. Keeping to a routine may help to give the child a timetable so that they know what is going to happen during the day. Try to gain the child’s trust, this will happen with time.
3.3/3.5) Complete worksheet
See attached
1.4) Explain how The Data protection Act 1998 works to prevent the spread of confidential information.
The data protection act 1998 works to prevent the spread of confidential information by only allowing personal information to be gathered for the purpose of its own use and storing it securely, registering it with the ICO (information Commissions Officer). This is so that confidential information cannot be passed on to others with out the individuals consent. It is a criminal offence to pass on confidential information without consent.
4.2 4.3 Unit 202 3.5) What is your understanding of the principle of confidentiality? How do you put this into practices/ when would it be right to breach confidentiality?
I understand that confidentiality means that any information that is shared or discussed in my presence or with me, regarding a child or young person in my care or any other information that someone confides in me is to remain within the school. It should be kept to myself and the adults concerned. I put this into practise everyday as a midday supervisor/ teaching assistant as things happen at school on a daily basis. When I come home anything that has happened stays at school and is not talked about in my social time. The only time I would break confidential information is when it might be a safeguarding matter or local authorities are involved e.g, police. This would then be passed onto the schools designated child protection officer.
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