Structural Change Nineteen eighty-six was an interesting year. University Hospital in Boston practiced primary nursing, and as Marquis and Huston (2015) describe, this structure provides high job satisfaction along with responsibility and autonomy for staff. The winds of change in healthcare were on the horizon, and we became swept up in cost saving strategies. Multiple nurse educators along with senior nursing staff had their positions eliminated in an organizational restructure which included the hiring of additional aides. After implementation of the staff changes the unit was brought together by our manager to discuss the opportunities that the change presented. The focal point became nursing’s ability to further enhance their managerial skills by assuming control over a larger cohort of aides designed to take on menial tasks, thus allowing nurses to focus on higher functioning skill sets.
Furthermore, the administration saw functional nursing as …show more content…
Then the development of a stepwise plan to implement and empower floor nurses to transition over to the new structure could be put into place. Early cost saving steps might have included encouraging senior nursing staff to participate in early retirement packages, then the downsizing of specific non-union positions. Secondly, keeping nurse educators employed to train staff for their new supervisory roles over aides during the transitional stage before eliminating their positions would have served the institution well and empowered staff