Unit 3 Lab
1. What is the purpose of the address resolution protocol (ARP)? ARP translates IP addresses into physical addresses
2. What is the purpose of the dynamic host control protocol (DHCP)? DHCP eliminates the need to assign static IP addresses by allowing a server to assign addresses to devices as they connect to the network.
3. What is the purpose of the dynamic name service protocol (DNS)? DNS converts common domain names into IP addresses to route data to the correct destination over the internet without having the user provide the exact IP address.
4. List any two (2) other protocols observed within the wireshark capture and their purposes? SSL – This allows a secure connection between the client and the requested server TCP – This protocol is what is used to break data down into manageable pieces and package them to send out to the proper address.
5./6. I do not have a VM
7. Find a TCP 3-way handshake for a TELNET session. What is the significance of the TCP 3-way handshake? A 3-way handshake allows a connection to be created between a client and server. The client sends a SYN requesting a connection to the server, then the server sends a SYN-ACK back to acknowledge the request, then the client send an ACK to acknowledge the connection to the server.
8. What is the purpose of the Cisco discovery protocol (CDP)? CDP is used to share information about directly connected Cisco devices, including IP addresses and operating system information. It is also used for on-demand routing so routing protocols do not need to be used in simple networks.
9. Why is using TELNET a security risk for an IP network infrastructure? TELNET is unsecured and does not encrypt data transmitted and can be easily intercepted.