Unit 401 Roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning
Leyah Knight
Task A: Research report
1Professional standards and legislations in the lifelong learning sector have undergone many changes and will continue to ensure those, who are teaching, are essentially up to the job and are in a safe environment to do so. They are put into place to help those in the teaching sector and to raise teaching standards.
In 1998, Labour devised its Green Paper policy, whereby it, ‘identified the need for teachers to be qualified to national standards.’ (Scales, 2013: 8) …show more content…
It oversees many areas such as, sixth form colleges, the armed services, the voluntary sector and much more, while regulating professional behavior amongst its teachers and trainers. The IFL states the importance of creating boundaries and ground rules, which must be agreed as, ‘not to ensure compliance, but to ensure that everyone is safe and the best conditions for motivated learning are in place.’ (Crawley, 2011: 99) and although a responsible teacher will know their boundaries and understand what is acceptable and professional behaviour, it is almost always common for the teacher to have convoluted roles. For example, they may be assessors, planners, evaluators, organisers, facilitators, researchers, communicators and so much more as these roles have a myriad of tasks, which vary on a daily basis. To fulfill these roles, one would need to ‘understand their learners, their characteristics, needs and motivation. They need to be able to adapt and adjust content and style to suit the needs of groups and individuals.’ (Scales, 2013: …show more content…
However, it is equally as important to follow your own teaching throughout and ‘to be constantly aware and monitor[ing] the session as it develops. This awareness allows you to make changes as the situation demands, to be able to ‘think on your feet’. When the session is complete you can reflect on, analyse and evaluate the learning and teaching.’ (Scales, 2013: 22-23) Hillier also agrees, ‘without critical reflection, teaching will remain at best uninformed, and at worst ineffective, prejudiced and constraining’ (Hillier 2002: xi) In short, It is crucial for continuing improvement and developing your skills as a