Ai. Management of Health and Safety at work Regulations 1999.
Health and Safety (Display screen equipment Regulations 1992) ameneded 2002.
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (as amended 2002).
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH).
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR amended 2008)
Health and Safety First Aid Regulations 1981.
Aii. Having a Health and Safety Policies and Procedure in place gives full adherence and compliance to the rules and regulations to protect the employers, employees, clients and visitors safeguarding all when using the care setting.
Aiii. The primary responsibility is up to the employer but as a worker …show more content…
Organising time – taking time out to be with my family, enjoying their company and not taking work home with me.
Ironing – escaping from the problem then having a clear head to tackle things.
Div: Severe bleeding - caused by a fall and banging there head of a sink
Burn and Scalds – when a client lifted a hot teapot and spilt the tea
Loss of Consciousness – when the client’s blood pressure became too low causing them to pass out.
Dv: To call for help stay with the client, maybe take action to help the client until help arrives, stay calm
Dvi: It is important to assess health and safety risks at all times because something that was ok 5 minutes ago, may now lead to danger. To be vigilant at all times during the working day.
Dvii: A risk assessment should provide you with a picture of how an accident might happen, how likely it is too happen and how serious this risk might be.
Dvii: By always attending all training courses made available to me and reporting back any changes.
By teaching new staff members about how important it is to use the right equipment, not to take on any roles that they have not got the right training